7 Worst Foods For Oral Health And Smile

7 Worst Foods For Oral Health And Smile

Eating right, along with a good oral hygiene routine, is the foundation of a healthy smile. However, there are some foods that are worse for your teeth. Here are some of them.

Sugary Foods

Anything that contains sugar is one of the worst foods for oral health because bacteria love to feed off the sugars in food and produce acids that cause cavities. Consider limiting or eliminating foods such as cookies and cakes, soda, and sports drinks from your diet to protect your teeth.

Hard Candy

Hard candies are tough on teeth. Even caramels and lollipops are bad for the teeth. Chewing on these candies creates more plaque because the teeth are softened by the sugar coating. This makes it easier to develop cavities. Additionally, these candies tend to stick in the crevices of the teeth, making it harder to brush or floss. Sugary treats also feed bad bacteria in the mouth and increase acid levels that eat away at the enamel on the teeth. This is why it is important to make healthy choices when it comes to snacking between meals. Doing so strengthens teeth and protects them from decay and infection.

Soft Drinks

An occasional soft drink isn’t going to do much harm to your teeth, but drinking them regularly can lead to tooth decay, discoloration of the teeth, and enamel erosion. The same happens with sports drinks, which contain a lot of sugar and acids that can wear down dental health.

Drinking plenty of water keeps your mouth clean and helps remove food particles from between the teeth and along the gum line. Water also helps strengthen tooth enamel by replenishing the minerals that are lost during eating and drinking. Our bodies need water to survive, so it’s best to stick with this healthy alternative to soft drinks and sports drinks.

Coffee and Tea

Both coffee and tea are high in acid and sugar. Acid weakens your tooth enamel, making it thinner and more porous. Sugar turns to acid in your mouth and produces tooth decay. When your teeth are weak due to frequent coffee or tea consumption, it’s easier for plaque to build up and lead to tooth decay. Some studies have found that drinking 4-5 cups of tea a day can triple your risk of getting cavities.


Wine is a beverage that comes with its own set of risks for oral health. Although red wine has antioxidants that are good for the mouth in moderation, it can also stain your teeth and cause cavities if consumed in excess. The acidity of white wine can be damaging to the teeth as well but less so than red.

Additionally, wine contains sugar which nourishes the bacteria in the mouth to cause damage to the tooth enamel. Even non-alcoholic wine on the sweeter side should be avoided because of these dangers. If you do drink wine, make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly with water or brush your teeth afterward to reduce the chance of stains on your teeth.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks have a bad reputation when it comes to oral health, which is for a good reason. They contain a lot of sugar, which raises the risk of tooth decay. They are also acidic, which can erode the enamel on your teeth and make them more susceptible to cavities, decay, and sensitivity. The acidity in sports drinks can also soften tooth enamel and make it more prone to damage. 

We recommend drinking water during and after exercise instead of sports drinks due to the potential harm they can cause to your teeth. Although water does not contain sugar and electrolytes as sports drinks do, it can still help with hydration after a workout. If you do drink a sports drink, make sure you drink it in one sitting instead of sipping on it for a few hours and rinse your mouth afterward. This will help limit the amount of time the sugar is in contact with your teeth.

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits are concentrated sources of sugar, which is bad for our teeth! The sticky nature of dried fruit causes it to adhere to our teeth longer than other snacks, allowing harmful bacteria to wreak havoc on our oral health. Instead of snacking on a handful of raisins, reach for a piece of fresh fruit or plain yogurt instead. Yogurt contains calcium and protein to strengthen tooth enamel while promoting the growth of healthy bacteria in the mouth.

Highland Dental Care, located in Denver, CO, is equipped with the best dentists and modern technologies. Call us at (303) 455-3838 to schedule an appointment at our dental practice.


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